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2025 SCF Highland Dance Form
Competition #: USSW-0525
March 22-23, 2025

Highland Dancing, which requires the endurance and strength of an athlete and the artistry of a dancer, is the traditional solo dancing of Scotland. In the past, Scottish regiments used Highland Dancing as exercise to keep the troops in shape, and ready for battle. Today, Highland Dancing is one of the premier events at Highland Games throughout the world in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, mainland Europe, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. In order to be a successful competitive dancer, students require many hours of practice and study over a number of years. Students train mainly in 4 Highland dances, namely, the Highland Fling, the Sword Dance, the Seann Triubhas and the Strathspey & Reel—all of which are performed in the traditional kilt. Scottish Highland Dancing is regarded as being one of the most sophisticated forms of national dancing in the world. 


Come watch traditional dance schools showcase the talents of their students as they compete for prizes and glory in the 2025 Sherman Celtic Festival Highland Dance Competition. This event is sanctioned by ScotDance USA.


Entry Form

Please take a moment to fill out the form.


In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, waive
and release the Sherman Celtic Festival Committee and their agents, or representatives, successors, and agencies
for any and all damages suffered by me through the above-mentioned events and activities. I will abide by the
rules and procedures for this competition. I also permit the Sherman Celtic Festival committee or its sponsors to
use my name or photograph of me participating in the above-mentioned events and activities for future
promotional or publicity purposes, without obligation or liability to me.
Signature (parent/guardian if dancer is under 18)

Dance Entry: Saturday Morning, March 22, 2025
*Please check boxes to indicate dances entered:


Dance Entry: Saturday Afternoon, March 22, 2025
*Please check boxes to indicate dances entered:

Intermediate Under 12
Premier Under 12
Intermediate 12 & Over
Premier 12 & Over

Dance Entry: SUNDAY Morning, March 23, 2025
*Please check boxes to indicate dances entered:


Entry fees are not refundable

Judge: Pamela Patrick
Piper: Doug Frobese

1 Day Entry (Sat or Sun): $30 2 Day (Sat & Sun) Entry: $40
1 Day Entry (Sat or Sun): $40 2 Day (Sat & Sun) Entry: $50
Solo Choreography – Novice, Intermediate, and Premier dancers only
Solo choreographies should have Celtic music and a Celtic theme. They should be no longer than 1 minute and 30 seconds. All music must be emailed to by March 14, 2025.

Dancer Entry - $15
Workshop with the Judge (immediately following Awards on Sunday)
Intermediate and Premier Dancers only. 1.5 hours. - $20
**$5.00 from each entry goes towards USIR 2026**


Saturday March 22, 2025
Check-in: 8:45am
Dancing Starts 9:15am
Primary: 16 Pas de Basque, Pas de Basque & High Cuts, Fling (4), Sword (2&1)
Beginner: Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey & Highland Reel (2&2)
Novice: Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey & Highland Reel (2&2)
Morning Awards
Overall trophies – Beginner, Novice, Most Promising Beginner, Most Promising Novice
Check-In: 1pm
Dancing Starts: 1:15pm
Solo Choreography Event will be first.
Intermediate Under 12: Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey & Highland Reel (2&2) Intermediate 12 & Over: Fling (6), Sword (2& 2), Seann Triubhas (4&2), Strathspey & Highland Reel (2&2) Premier Under 12: Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey & Highland Reel (2&2) Premier 12 & Over: Fling (6), Sword (2&2), ST (4&2), Strathspey & Highland Reel (2&2)
Afternoon Awards
Solo Choreography – Trophy and cash awards.
Overall trophies – Intermediate, Premier, Most Promising Intermediate
Dancer of the Day Dance Off (Premier) – Basket Hilt Sword prize. All first-place dancers.
Prize money will be awarded for placings in each dance for Premier dancers only.


Sunday March 23, 2025
Check-in: (9:45am) – All levels
Dancing Starts: 10:00am
Beginner: Flora (4), Lilt (4), *Trophy Fling (4)
Novice: Flora (4), Lilt (4), *Trophy Fling (4)
Intermediate: Flora (4), Lilt (4), *Sailor’s Hornpipe Challenge (4)
Premier: Premier: Flora (4), Scotch Measure (4), *Jig Challenge (4&1) – U12s (3&1)
*Trophy Flings and Challenge dances are not part of the Aggregate Awards.
**Any steps may be danced for Trophy Flings and Challenge dances.
Overall trophies – Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Premier
Trophy Awards for Trophy Fling, Irish Jig Challenge, Hornpipe Challenge
Medals and ribbons will be awarded for placings in the Trophy Flings and the Hornpipe Challenge.

Premier Prize Awards – (per dance)
U12: 1 st : $30, 2 nd : $25, 3 rd : $20, 4 th : $15, 5 th : $10, 6 th : $5
12 & U16: 1 st : $35, 2 nd : $30, 3 rd : $25, 4 th : $20, 5 th : $15, 6 th : $10
16 & Over (or older group): 1 st : $40, 2 nd : $35, 3 rd : $30 4 th : $25, 5 th : $20, 6 th : $15

Dancing Rules

1. This competition is governed by RSOBHD and ScotDance USA rules.
2. All dancers must be registered with ScotDance USA, or another RSOBHD approved registration body in order to dance. Registration Number must be on Entry Form.
3. Registration is contingent on your 2025 RSOBHD dancer registration number. If entering with a 2024 Registration number please inform the committee of your new number before March 14, 2025 by contacting Vicki Cana at the following email:
4. Dancer registration card MUST be produced on the day of the event in order to compete.
5. Age groups will be finalized after entries are received.
6. Dancer age will be determined as of Saturday March 22, 2025.
7. Pre-Premier dancers will have the ability to earn one stamp on their registration card over the two-day event.
8. The organizer reserves the right to split or combine classes the day of the competition.
9. Dancers who are last to enter will be first to dance, and when applicable, the dancer will fill in for the Strathspey & Highland Reel.
10. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to any information given in the entry form, if necessary.
11. Communication by a dancer or parent of a dancer with the judge or piper is not allowed and is grounds for disqualification.
12. Pre-Premier category changes must be made by March 14, 2025. To make a Pre-Premier category change please contact Vicki Cana at
13. Dancers not on-hand when their class is called will forfeit entry on that event.
14. All winners must be in competition dress to accept awards.
15. All dance competitors and teachers are expected to comply with the RSOBHD & SDUSA Code of Ethics.
16. Entry fee includes dancer admission to the Festival.
17. Entries must be SUBMITTED online by March 14, 2025. Late entries will be accepted with a $10.00 LATE FEE after March 14, 2025.
18. All Entry fees and other related payments are non-refundable.
19. The Most Promising Awards are Judge’s choice awards.
20. The Judge’s decision is final.
21. For any questions please contact Vicki Cana at


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